The unveil of the new Xbox has come and gone, and in its wake has left gamers with mixed feelings. The new Xbox One, codenamed Durango, was unveiled on May 21, 2013.
The Xbox One has some very promising specs, with an 8 core AMD CPU, 8GB RAM and 500 GB Hard Drive, this is one powerful machine. Equipped with a Blu-Ray drive, it will function at a 1080p rate and support 4K TV technology. And, of course, it is Wi-Fi capable.

Hardware Specs on the Xbox One.
Visually the Xbox One earned its name; it looks like a box, but a very attractive and sleek black box at that. The Xbox One is coming in with a new Kinect and controller to match the new modern look of the Xbox One. This Xbox will have various controls to choose from, you could use the Xbox controller, your hand, or even your voice. And with the smart glass feature that Microsoft offers, you can now use your smartphone or tablet to control the console as well. Your voice might become your new favorite control, since you will be able to easily change screens from TV to gameplay by just saying “Xbox TV,” or “Xbox go home.”
The new Kinect camera will make it easier for the user to Skype with family and friends. And as seen below, the Xbox One will give the user the ability to open windows one beside the other. So while you’re watching a movie you could be Skyping with a friend at the same time.
If you’re a sports fan, then Xbox is going to have a lot to offer. They are teaming up with both the NFL and EA Sports. Xbox One is going to make it easier for sports fans to keep track of their fantasy teams, and EA is going to be releasing 4 games to help with Xbox One; they will be: Madden NFL 25, FIFA 14, NBA Live 14, and UFC.
Even with all of these awesome features, gamers are still worried. After the unveil, Microsoft had a short Q & A. It has been confirmed that Xbox One will not be backwards compatible. It is still undetermined whether or not gamers would have to pay a fee in order to play used, or even borrowed, games.
The rumor was that Xbox One games would be downloaded to the console itself and that a code would be downloaded with it and be assigned to the gamers Xbox Live account. If a friend wanted to use the game that you had already bought and downloaded into your console, or if you bought a used game, the Xbox One would recognize that the game had already been downloaded on another account. At that moment a notice would pop up stating that if you would want to play the game, then you would have to pay a fee.
Even though IGN has stated that this rumor has been confirmed, Xbox Support 3 is stating that the articles are false. They go to further say that Xbox One will not charge fees on used games, but they aren’t saying anything else on the subject.
There is also some confusion about whether or not the Xbox One will have to be connected to the Wi-Fi at all times. Microsoft came back to say “No, not always. But, it is recommended.” It has also been reported that the Kinect has to be connected to the Xbox One in order for the Xbox One to function, but nothing further has been said.
Microsoft has made it clear that they want to wait for E3 to pull out the big guns for the Xbox One. We will have to wait and see if this new console will be worth it.