Google Nexus 5 mock-up
The Nexus 5 rumors are already starting to appear, and it seems LG will be once again Google’s partner to create the much awaited Google Nexus 5.
Is this Nexus 5 rumor true? It does seem pretty credible considering Google seems to have been pretty happy with LG and their making of the Nexus 4, so they must be thinking why not choose LG again? They would certainly be able to take advantage of a relationship that must be going pretty smoothly right now, and would eliminate some risks of taking a new partner.
But is this a good thing for the next Nexus? LG hasn’t disappointed in building the Google Nexus 4, and I assume the Nexus 5 will be even better. It’s actually rumored to have a Nikon-branded camera, which could put it ahead of most, if not all smartphones this year, although the Sony Honami is also rumored to have a great 20 MP pixel-binning camera.
The Google Nexus 5 should be arriving with Android 5.0 this fall (if the rumors that we’ll only see Android 4.3 at Google I/O are true), but that begs the question, what will the Motorola X phone be using, and will it directly compete with the Nexus 5 this fall? Google needs to better arrange the launches of these products, to make sure they don’t compete with each other.
Ideally, I would like Google make Motorola phones the developer phones since they are the ones controlling everything about the phone, and they know exactly what should be in those phones for developers, both hardware and software wise, and they should be launching the new major dot-oh version at Google I/O, their main event of the year. Since that won’t happen this year, I would expect for example, Android 6.0 to arrive at Google I/O 2014, on a Motorola phone and tablet, that would also be given to developers there.
As for Nexus, they should keep it, but they should turn it into a program that multiple manufacturers can join, and make Nexus phones in the same way they are making Chromebooks. Multiple OEM’s can create Chromebooks, but ChromeOS is identical on all of them, and only Google has control of it. This has the benefit of Google being able to upgrade Chrome OS across multiple devices. I’d like to see the same happen to a plethora of Nexus devices.
[Source: KoreaTimes; Via: AndroidBeat]